Available Courses
- Five, two-hour courses in speed reading, comprehension, mind mapping, concentration, retention, and recall (flexible scheduling)
- Testing is done before, during and after each session to determine and monitor speed, comprehension & reading rate.
- Students learn techniques for reading in a vertical, rather than horizontal fashion--taking in every word on the page.
- Students learn how to "unblock" information under stress.
This course includes everything taught in the Champion Reading Foundation Course, plus advanced skills for more intense concentration, faster reading speeds, mind mapping & recall. This course is ideal for those who need to read emails, contracts, white papers, journals, articles, studies...more efficiently.
This two-hour add-on course teaches advanced mind mapping techniques for brainstorming, expanding creativity, and more efficient notetaking in class.
Pre-requisite: Champion Reading Foundation Course
The Champion Reading SAT/ACT prep class is unlike any other SAT or ACT prep class offered by other education centers. Our method for delivering the information is unique and the material is tailored to the needs of the student. Our staff is highly qualified with an outstanding track record of success. Evening and weekend hours available.
This two-hour add-on course offers solid study skill and test-taking techniques. It includes our proprietary 6-step formula for reading and absorbing a textbook chapter in under an hour with all pertinent notes on one sheet of paper. This mind map becomes a very powerful review sheet. (suitable for adults or students)
- Put an end to forgotten appointments, missed assignments, and missing papers and files.
- Four hour course with in-depth and personalized solutions for more efficient time management and organization. (Suitable for adults or students)
- Find more time in your day.
- Control your emails, clutter, and chaos.
- Topics covered include suggestions for dealing with messy backpacks, lockers, rooms, closets, desktops, and drawers.
- We even have remedies for those people who have piles of critical documents on the floor surrounding their desks.
Two hours of extra high-intensity drills, and advanced hand motions. This course is for the student who wants to read everything, remember information and become truly “information-targeted.” Speeds of 5,000-10,000+ words per minute are achievable within this advanced add-on course.
Our Team

Jennifer Wozny, Founder

Kathleen Hemmen, SAT/ACT

Melissa Kelley, Writing